
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Oklahoma Baby

I finally figured out what to do with this project, just in time to have my baby. It turned into this:

I love how hip state craft projects are right now. My daughter's name represents her two vastly different heritages: Valentine Dausae. Valentine for her red-dirt Okie roots (after Great-Grandma Valentine), and Dausae after her Karen great-great-grandma and great-great-great-grandpa (the Karen are an ethnic minority from Burma/Myanmar).

This is how I did it.

Free hand drew and cut out a version of OK

Painter's tape down just OUTSIDE the template

Removed template

Ripped up and taped down trash bag

Spray-painted with yellow from another nursery project (symmetry!)

Removed bag

Removed lowest layer of tape

Instructed husband to hold up
Painted heart over hometown, and placed over crib

Pretty big improvement over this:

More projects and nursery pics to come!

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